Event Partner Program
The 365 Strong World Powerlifting Federation has established our "Associate Partnership Program" to link the athlete to beneficial products and/or services that support their efforts. Partnering businesses can now choose their level of involvement or support...ranging from one event to as many as you choose. Please review the various Partnering Options on the right side of this page. Select your level of involvement, then contact us via email at info@365strong.org to confirm your choice.
Beneficial Features to Partnering Businesses and Athletes alike:
>Partners may choose from 1) supporting all federation events for one fiscal year, 2) support a select number of events for one fiscal year, 3) support and select one event at a timeï‚·
>Partner contributions go directly toward, promote partner, athletes and events, event awards, annual team derby and in other ways that support our athletes.
>Promote your Company Brand to your primary demographic "user"
>Receive direct website link from this site to yours
>Event partners are highlighted in event programs & flyers, social media, etc.
>Promotional email blasts to our 365 Strong membership
>Choose from a variety of partnership programs
>Event partners may display their products or services
>An ongoing array of live event announcements that inspire people to your display area
>Event display of your company banner…increased visibility
>Pre and Post-Event promo-news highlighting your brand
>Live podcasts or zoom broadcasts at our events, aired on social media
>Live and recorded on and off-site interviews that support your products or services
>Become a VIP Host Partner for a specific event(s)...company name highlights the event title
Click on the "Partner Options" button to select your level of involvement and investment. To inquire directly about current or future event partnership detail please email us at Event Marketing. Or, call direct at 704.236.1899. Thank you!
Athlete Participation Grant
This grant was established for anyone or any company willing to offer financial aid to federation lifters, based on individual financial need. It is dedicated to only active members competing in only 365 SWPF events and not for any other purpose. Athletes that choose to apply for this grant must email us at info@365strong.org and state the reason you're requesting financial assistance.
The amount of the contribution is dictated by the contributing party. Links for posting your contribution is shown below.
As of January 1, 2025 the current contribution amount: $400.00
Cash App
