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World Games Health and Safety Protocol

Writer's picture: Bill ClaryBill Clary

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

365 Strong World Powerlifting Federation in conjunction with Mountain Island Fitness will enforce the following health and safety protocols in order to offer all athletes, meet personnel, vendors, gym personnel and spectators the safest environment possible. Thank you in advance for your compliance.

Health & Safety Event Protocol

þ All athletes, event personnel, vendors and spectators will enter only through the main gym entrance (at the far side of the building).

þ Upon arrival, all athletes and their designated coaches, event personnel, vendors and spectators with an advance purchased VIP Pass or General Admission ticket will be confirmed. Spectators without an advance purchased ticket will pay before entering.

þ At the entrance everyone must read and sign a health and safety waiver and agree to the following event protocol:

o Permit gym staff to scan your body temperature with a contactless thermometer

o Respect the appropriate social distancing guidelines

o Accept personal disinfecting supplies

o Receive a protective mask (for optional use)

o Follow designated markers or signs

þ Designated areas will be identified how and where to proceed, areas include rest rooms, locker rooms, meet check-in/weigh-ins, warm-up and event platform and seating locations

þ Though social distancing protocol is strongly recommended, spectators with VIP Passes will be seated closest to the event platform and chairs will be arranged to accommodate family and friends that wish to sit closer together. All other general admission ticket holders will sit further away from the platform but will be given the same consideration.

þ Mountain Island Fitness has a large area for warm-ups with multiple warm-up stations available. However, in order to maintain social distancing protocol this area will be reserved for athletes, coaches and event personnel only!

Athlete Weigh-in Checklist/Protocol: Prepare to weigh in, submit your 1st attempts for each lift (in kilos), bring your equipment for approval, measure your bar heights, name one coach (optional), name hand-off person or spotting personnel (optional) and *make your individual request for judges, spotters and loaders to comply with wearing masks while you lift (requests will be honored).

We urge people to respect each other’s health and safety and focus on why we’re all here…to enjoy an awesome event with an awesome collection of great athletes!!

Thank you!

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