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State, Regional & International Chair Person

Currently Available:  Leadership Positions

365 Strong World Powerlifting Federation is one of the fastest growing national and international federations in the sport today! In order to keep up with our athlete demands, we are now identifying Regional and/or State Chairpersons throughout the USA and internationally as well. 

 Chairperson Job Profile: a passionate and experienced current or former powerlifter, experience with organizing and/or directing powerlifting events, are connected with your powerlifting community and possess a willingness to build your network of contacts as well as using any and all marketing options available to grow membership, possess or has access to meeting the platform and warmup equipment needs and will committ to conducting the 365 SWPF meet guidelines and policies. 
Qualified applicants should proceed by completing the job application linked to the icon shown below. 

Please scan and email your applications and other pertinent information regarding your experience to!
Once your information has been reviewed we will be back in touch within the week.  Selected candidates will be expected to complete a thorough all-inclusive training program that will breakdown all the details needed to make you successful. Thank you. 

Chairperson Appilication

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