october 10-12, 2025

​WORLD powerlifting GAMES
To Be Announced by February 15, 2025
Separate "Tested" & "Untested" Classifications
The World Games of Power 2025 is an International or World event, open to all
"Tested" and "Untested" athletes. Athletes compete against like competition!
Qualifying options are listed below:
1) You've achieved a Qualifying Total or Lift in any sanctioned meet from any federation. The Qualifying Total or Lift is ranked as Class II or higher standard. Link to all Ranking Standards
If any of the qualifiers below apply then no other qualifier is necessary.
2) You won your division / weight class at the 2024 World Powerlifting Games, 2025 USA Nationals or any 2024-2025 world meet qualifier sanctioned by the 365 Strong World Powerlifting Federation.
3) Upon request, athletes may be considered to receive an Official Invitation.
4) You presently hold a 365 Strong State, Regional or World record.
5) Your Gym, Team or Country receives a Group Invitation (all group members may participate)
6) You have achieved an Pro-Elite Total and/or Lift in any sanctioned meet with any federation.
Powerlifting Competition Options:
> DEADLIFT >STRICT CURL (3 attempts)
(Friday Oct. 10th, is the World Power Lift Challenge for rep competition in Bench, Deadlift, Strict Curl and/or Cheat Curl)
*Power Lift Challenger Rep Competition: Separate competition at the World Games of Power. Details are located at this Event Page.
Lifting Categories:
>Unlimited or Multi-ply >Equipped-Single-Ply >Raw (Knee Sleeves) >Raw Classic (Knee Wraps)
Male & Female Divisions:
Pro-Elite (Refer to #6 Qualifier above)
Open (No age requirement)
Juniors (20-23)
Masters (40-44; 45-49; 50-54; etc.)
Submasters (35-39)
Teenage (13-15; 16-17; 18-19)
Youth (10-12)
- Military/Police/Fire Fighters
- Para-Lifters / Special Olympians
- Kids Club (5-10)
Athletes that are flying in from various parts of the United States or from other nations can fly into Charlotte Douglas International, Charlotte, NC (only 6 mi. from the host venue).
>Friday October 10th Early Weigh-ins for Saturday October 11th World Game Competitors include the following athletes:
All Females/All Gear & Divisions - 97lb/44kg thru 242.5+lb/110.1+kg
All Males in all Divisions for only Weight Classes - 114.6lb/52kg thru 198.4lb/90kg
>Saturday October 11th Early Weigh-ins and Sunday October 12th World Game Competitors include the following athletes:
All Males in all Divisions for only Weight Classes - 220.4lb/100kg thru 308.7+lb/140.1+kg
Early Weigh-In Times:
Early Weigh-In Friday October 10th, Times: 9:00 am-12:00 pm or 4:00-6:00 pm (for October 11th competitors) and Saturday October 11th from 6:45-7:45 am, 10:30 am-12:00 noon or 3:30-5:30 pm (for October 12th competitors).
Late Weigh-In (all lifters): 6:45 - 7:45 am (Sat. & Sun.)
Rules Meeting on meet day is lated to start at 8:00 am...followed by lifters warm-up and 1st lift at 9:00 am.
Membership: Go to the PayPal button to select your preferred Membership Plan:
All Athletes must have either a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP or current
Registering: In order to register for this event go to the red "Registration Form" button at the top of the page. Complete by filling out the form and clicking "send".
Payment Options: Proceed to the PayPal button and select the appropriate payment option.
>Full Power Standard Registration Fee: $165
>M/P/F, Teens & Youth Full Power: $140
Push Pull, Bench Press or Deadlift Registration Fee: $140
>Strict Curl Registration Fee: $60
>Kids Club Entry Fee: $25
>Crossover Fee: $55
>Team Entry Fee: $120 (Roster & Fee due by Oct. 10th)
*Other Registration payment options: Cash App - $365Strong and Venmo - @Strong365
Mail Checks or Money Orders to: 365 SWPF, PO Box 253, Fort Mill, SC 29716
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